
Cyber Talent Solutions in Operational Technology

Addressing the talent crisis in Operational Technology

In the rapidly evolving cyber landscape, the convergence of IT (Information Technology) and OT (Operational Technology) has become increasingly clear. While IT focuses on data storage, networks and software, OT is concerned with the hardware and software that monitors and controls physical devices, processes and events. As most industries embrace modern digital transformation, OT devices have been increasingly exposed to cyber threats, and the space is rapidly becoming an epicentre for investment to protect critical assets.

Even though OT is a fairly new area within cyber security, there’s no doubting the industry’s commitment to safeguarding it. Yet this urgency is met with a significant challenge – a scarcity of skilled professionals, creating a unique set of challenges for those desperately trying to push back against the attackers.

With the rise of cyber threats in the Operational Technology (OT) landscape, many businesses are having to rapidly upskill or hire professionals to tackle industrial risk. And with the consequences of an OT cyber attack far outstripping those in the IT sector, there is a pressing need for talent to manage this.

Download our latest report for information on:

  • The causes of sector-specific cyber threats and the OT talent shortage

  • How to mitigate the risk and build-out cyber-aware teams to manage OT technologies

  • Our innovative approaches to combatting the skills shortage